It has been far too long since I posted an entry on this blog -- over two and a half years! I do believe that I was hoping to see some radical change in the Catholic Church in that time period.
However, other than a new Pope, not much has changed from the viewpoint of an American Catholic layman. This viewpoint was reinforced earlier this week by a PBS Frontline show on television that reminded us of the dire state of affairs in the Church. There was a hopeful portrayal of the new Pope Francis; but, let's face it: he really hasn't done much except, possibly, start to reconstruct the Curia.
Pope Francis has done next to nothing about the priests' sexual abuse of children! Popes who can fly around in helicopters can certainly move more quickly in firing errant bishops and clergy! Episode after episode of arrogant, self-serving Catholic hierarchy and clergy have appeared since I last penned an entry to this blog. I have read several books on church problems since then and, yet, the Pope(s) have continued to allow the sexually sadistic scoundrels of the Catholic hierarchy to get away unscathed!
Are we, the laity, really that stupid and passive to allow this to continue ad infinitum?
When will lay Catholics finally revolt and bring the Catholic church to its knees so that it can be rebuilt as Christ would want it to be?
However, other than a new Pope, not much has changed from the viewpoint of an American Catholic layman. This viewpoint was reinforced earlier this week by a PBS Frontline show on television that reminded us of the dire state of affairs in the Church. There was a hopeful portrayal of the new Pope Francis; but, let's face it: he really hasn't done much except, possibly, start to reconstruct the Curia.
Pope Francis has done next to nothing about the priests' sexual abuse of children! Popes who can fly around in helicopters can certainly move more quickly in firing errant bishops and clergy! Episode after episode of arrogant, self-serving Catholic hierarchy and clergy have appeared since I last penned an entry to this blog. I have read several books on church problems since then and, yet, the Pope(s) have continued to allow the sexually sadistic scoundrels of the Catholic hierarchy to get away unscathed!
Are we, the laity, really that stupid and passive to allow this to continue ad infinitum?
When will lay Catholics finally revolt and bring the Catholic church to its knees so that it can be rebuilt as Christ would want it to be?
Good to see you have not abandoned the blog. Time will tell about the new pope Francis. Married priests and female priests would do more than anything to, over time, restore respectability to the Church. But there may not be enough time. Judeo Christianity is being displaced by Islam and secular liberalism. Western Civilization need some miracles, right now !