As is well-known, much controversy surrounded the invitation to President Obama to the 2009 Commencement at Notre Dame in early June. Among the ill-mannered intruders on the normally serene psychological atmosphere of the graduation were many Catholic bishops. One of these was Archbishop Chaput of Denver, who, in writng in the Denver Catholic rag, insulted the President of the University, Father Jenkins. Kaput, as I chose to refer to him, is one of those bishops who still thinks of himself as a shepherd and the laity as his sheep. He is one of many clerics dragging the Catholic Church back into the 19th century or earlier.
The Catholic hierarchy showed their true colors to the laity in the child abuse crisis. Let us not forget it! Many bishops and priests went unpunished. The abuses continue. Reference: Ireland. Much of what the Catholic hierarchy have done since the crisis has been to attempt to distract the laity from the clerical sexual abuse and to strive to regain power over the minds of the laity. Their intrusion on the 2009 Commencement at Notre Dame was another grievous attempt at control of the laity. The Catholic hierarchy, both in America and abroad, through their un-Christ-like and, frequently, evil behavior, have demonstrated themselves to be unworthy of contemporary Catholic laity.