My last blog entry was just about a year ago. I had concerns that the blog was turning into an angry rant and that it had become too repetitious of the deteriorating situation in the Catholic Church.
Since then, I have switched to a Mac and changed the blog name somewhat. Apparently, the only good news in a year is the new iMac. The Church continues on its trajectory to hell....Ireland has been repeatedly scandalized in the last, the Irish Papal Nuncio was recalled to the Vatican a millisecond or two before the Irish government kicked him out.....the Vatican continues to condemn Catholic theological scholars, while sheltering clerical/ hierarchical child abusers.....the Pope and his corrupt crony cardinals doggedly march the Catholic Church back to the time of Constantine while, imminently, saddling the faithful with an incomprehensibly awkward new version of the Missal.....Vatican II is a phantasm to be buried and forgotten! The Catholic Church is returning, irrevocably and unremittingly, to pay, pray and obey!
One seemingly good, but not hopeful, change, is that Archie. Kaput is leaving Colorado to boss around the faithful folks in (Fil)ladelphia, where the church is up to its steeples in legal problems arising from the ever-pervasive clerical child abuse. Given the current zeitgeist, he will be replaced in Denver by an even worse cleric. After all, that's exactly what the Vatican did in my old stomping grounds of Los Angeles this year!
Two must read books for concerned American Catholics that I finished recently are:
"Render Unto Rome: The Secret Life of Money in the Catholic Church"
by Jason Berry
"The Pope's War: Why Ratzinger's Secret Crusade has Imperiled the Church and How It Can Be
by Matthew Fox
Read 'em and weep, anxious Catholics.....The "sheep" wouldn't dare to crack the covers of these books......if they ever read any book about the Catholic Church, at all!
Since then, I have switched to a Mac and changed the blog name somewhat. Apparently, the only good news in a year is the new iMac. The Church continues on its trajectory to hell....Ireland has been repeatedly scandalized in the last, the Irish Papal Nuncio was recalled to the Vatican a millisecond or two before the Irish government kicked him out.....the Vatican continues to condemn Catholic theological scholars, while sheltering clerical/ hierarchical child abusers.....the Pope and his corrupt crony cardinals doggedly march the Catholic Church back to the time of Constantine while, imminently, saddling the faithful with an incomprehensibly awkward new version of the Missal.....Vatican II is a phantasm to be buried and forgotten! The Catholic Church is returning, irrevocably and unremittingly, to pay, pray and obey!
One seemingly good, but not hopeful, change, is that Archie. Kaput is leaving Colorado to boss around the faithful folks in (Fil)ladelphia, where the church is up to its steeples in legal problems arising from the ever-pervasive clerical child abuse. Given the current zeitgeist, he will be replaced in Denver by an even worse cleric. After all, that's exactly what the Vatican did in my old stomping grounds of Los Angeles this year!
Two must read books for concerned American Catholics that I finished recently are:
"Render Unto Rome: The Secret Life of Money in the Catholic Church"
by Jason Berry
"The Pope's War: Why Ratzinger's Secret Crusade has Imperiled the Church and How It Can Be
by Matthew Fox
Read 'em and weep, anxious Catholics.....The "sheep" wouldn't dare to crack the covers of these books......if they ever read any book about the Catholic Church, at all!