Monday, July 12, 2010

Cracks in the Hard-Boiled Egg of Roman Catholicism?

Is it possible?  Here are some recent forthright commentaries, actually published, on the sad state of affairs in the Roman Catholic Church:


Thanks to the publishers and to Bishop Kevin Dowling and Father James Martin, SJ  for these courageous writings!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Circle the Wagons......

So here we are.....Now the Pope may be involved in the spreading clerical sexual abuse crisis!

Year in and year out, the lying and obfuscation continues and intensifies, not only among the American Catholic hierarchy, but, in addition, among the hierarchies of Europe and, even, the Vatican! Yet, yesterday, at the 11:30 Easter Sunday Mass at Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Church in Lakewood, Colorado, no mention was made of the mess the Catholic Church is in. Blythly the clergy goes on, as if nothing has happened, the idea being to gloss it over and forget the sexual abuses of the priests and others in positions of authority in the Church. Clearly, over the years, the clergy, particularly the bishops, archbishops, cardinals, et al regard the laity as completely stupid!

It's way past time for dramatic, radical and revolutionary changes in the Catholic Church.
How about this: